>  Poll Archive

.:: Archived polls ::.

Do you like the new comments arrangement on the view lyric page? - (15 votes)
- Yes I do (13 votes - 86.7%)
- No I don't (2 votes - 13.3%)

How easy do you find the site to use? - (11 votes)
- Very easy (8 votes - 72.7%)
- Quite easy (2 votes - 18.2%)
- Not easy enough (0 votes - 0.0%)
- Not easy at all (1 votes - 9.1%)

Out of the following, which do you find most inspirational. - (24 votes)
- Cabbages (1 votes - 4.2%)
- Rivers (20 votes - 83.3%)
- Figs (1 votes - 4.2%)
- Noodles (2 votes - 8.3%)

On a typical evening you'd rather - (19 votes)
- Stay in and read a book (2 votes - 10.5%)
- Crash on the sofa and watch TV (6 votes - 31.6%)
- Hang with your dudes at the drive-through (5 votes - 26.3%)
- Compose melodic masterpieces on the piano (6 votes - 31.6%)

You like your eggs - (26 votes)
- Fried (9 votes - 34.6%)
- Scrambled (7 votes - 26.9%)
- Poached (4 votes - 15.4%)
- Boiled (1 votes - 3.8%)
- I don't like eggs (5 votes - 19.2%)

Do you like the sound of lyric competitions? - (31 votes)
- Yes (20 votes - 64.5%)
- No (11 votes - 35.5%)

Do you ever use a rhyming dictionary when writing lyrics? - (38 votes)
- Yes (8 votes - 21.1%)
- No (16 votes - 42.1%)
- I didn't even know such things existed (14 votes - 36.8%)

What more commonly gives you inspiration to write? - (31 votes)
- Break ups (6 votes - 19.4%)
- The general miserable state of things (12 votes - 38.7%)
- The beauty you see in everything (5 votes - 16.1%)
- Politics (2 votes - 6.5%)
- Films (1 votes - 3.2%)
- Books (0 votes - 0.0%)
- Unusual experiences (5 votes - 16.1%)

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